Hypnolust - Diana Prince - clip XII Robot movie 1
You are fired What do you mean I am fired? Can you imagine what it feels like to get that kind of news on a Friday afternoon? Well, let's say it sucks. Naturally, I was more than upset but I certainly did not mean to knock over the glass of water on my boss's desk, it just happened when I tried to point out a clause in my contract to her. First, I thought she was overreacting when she started to yell at me but then her body started to spasm and it almost seemed like she was losing it. Well, that is exactly what ends up happening eventually and that was pretty much the moment when it dawns on me that my boss is a fembot. Watching her malfunction suddenly turns into a real turn on and the idea to tinker with her programming is born right then and there. Who could blame me, I mean who would not want to mess around with a beautiful, inactive and shutdown boss who just tried to fire you? I have to say, I certainly like her behavior after I "repair" her much better. Sexy and programmed to serve me my bitchy ex-boss goes to work on her pussy, I mean pleasure center and she even keeps promising to be good now.
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Hypnolust - Diana Prince - clip XII Robot movie 1
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