Raw Talent
- licking
- doggy
- missionary

Usually, this is a WAY under-rated movie, and that is because it is the kind of movie you will watch for the story and not just the sex. I was floored when I saw it back in the day, and I could not understand why it did not receive the recognition it deserved, but now I think I understand the undercurrent which it churned within the industry was not good. One has the feeling that the film is biographical, and--now that Mr. Butler has a book out by the same name--I guess that is true. Eddie, the main character, and his pal are likable characters with obvious flaws. The women in his life are good and bad, and all are attractive. As in real life, Eddie screws and gets screwed, but in the end I think you will cheer for him. A great movie and it will get you off.

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