i looked it up she is Lina Arian Joy
8 monthsHail to the DUTCH Master Ty ISO of any of his works involving women...TIA
8 monthsDecen
8 monthsOnly ca
9 monthsWhatchu talki about willis?
2 yearsI'd kill for an ill blackbitch...Probably not as cool with BLM...But back in the day nothing offended more than having a black chick en tow as ones primary Hoe...Even better with a natural...Unlike whitedevils or beaner bitcbes I barely had to beat em...
2 yearsillAF
2 yearsAlexandriaQuinn
2 yearsWhy does this shit seem so creepy? (step1 models casting) Or is it just me?
3 yearsInteresting and super lame at the same time...What 'event' was this at?
3 yearsYou right Both times Ive been on pornsets it was like a weed competition...Who had the illest...Best bring a couple of cheweys to keep up...For real...
3 yearshuh!Only
3 yearsHot scene but whats so funny??? Is this the first porn set these fools have been on?
3 yearsIMBICILE! You have no clue how adult content is made now do you? These trickassbitches I'm sure have healthier cleaner cooters than all of the women in your family. Hint: Both Pros & Porn is way closer to athletics than acting or even fucking...Its also not as risky as it seems-
3 yearsYour comment had me stop...Right on!
3 yearsPlus its LOL funny-
3 yearsTY for posting this most edgy rare H2F gem. An influential ground breaking important work.This is so awkward gritty fucked up and dark because it was genuinely real unlike KhanTusions exceptional (although staged & pre-arranged) series "The Midnight Prowl" from the early 00's...
3 yearsNow if only I could find the other four volumes in this series? I am especially interested in the final which Jamie shot in Paris...Any ideas Mr. @CryLisDor? Thanks again Good day & TIA-
4 yearsOffputting at first but this SOB is downright ROMANTIC as his manhandling serves to only strenghen and deepen the intimacy and trust (foundational to love) the Jezebell experiences....Romance is ANYTHING that heighens these feelings...not just the nicenice positive examples or romance-
4 yearsWatched the first five and they are way too adorable and nice for me to even fuck with...They are "my idea of the perfect couple" especially with that doubledildo bullshit it was like "AWWW aren't they cute?" Now I need to get back to the ILLNESS on the pront!
4 yearsBet she was paid $300-
4 yearsDig the ill music like some early HeliosCreed-
4 yearsCan someone please explain or give context to this odd creepy bitch clip?
4 yearsMight I suggest the young brother get evil or at least go stronger on these white devil hoes? I felt that Triack was laughing AT him not with him...When in doubt ask 'what would Wesley do?' Both kids have potential...
4 yearsIs that motherfucking VLAD? He was a complete idiot when he was here in US and now hes a cool Designer suited Russian mob pimp? DAAAM