Mrs. Tracy Zakoff 💥. Bitch was a cum guzzling pig in her day.
3 monthsShut the fuck up and eat your dinner, filthy cunt.
3 monthsLay off the high-calorie cum, fat bitch.
3 months🥒💦👅 👋Tracy
2 yearsStupid Cunt have a name?
3 yearsFilthy ass honky sex.
3 yearsUsed to want to impregnate this stupid bitch's throat and tonsils.
3 yearsLoved this stupid blonde airhead cocksucking cumguzzling cracker bimbo fucking bitch.
3 yearsGinger-flavored cunt have a name?
3 yearsZika infected pussy.
4 yearsBrwarwSauerkraut pussy stings the cock.
4 yearsZionist pig.
4 yearsBombed out jewish cunt.
4 yearsSloppy polluted Ruso-Wop womb.
4 yearsSloppy ass cunt.
4 yearsEat some dick, bitch.