dude.... it's right there in front of you ..... you'll certianly not make a very good detective
9 monthsyou sick fuck
10 months... YA MUM !!!!... da da don daaaah ..... I'm here all week folks ....
10 monthswait for it ... wait for it ....
1 yearsure you did Peter ... sure you did ....
1 yearBob ... and yours ?
1 yearyep everyone totally believes you and we're all very impressed ... yep - we are ... we really are...
3 yearsyeah ... these guys would freeze, turn red in thbe face, get wobbly knees and stutter if a girl like her would get within 10 m of them ... gansta pimps from their mom's basement though .... hahaha
3 yearswtf is going on here ?? who is that snoring ?? what is she saying ? what does she keep hearing ?? wtf is going on here ??
6 yearsI'll bu 10 of those chainsaws thanks - don't ask me why - cause i don't know why -- make it 12... cheers...