Lunch is ready! I would wear this slut out. I'm talking just shoving my cock deep down her throat, Titty fuck her with her slobber from gagging, fucking bend her over and take her ass as deep as I can. Fat bitches like her will do anything you want. Anything.
1 yearThis one of the hottest videos ever. Just keep coming back to it time after time. Must have gotten my nut with this at least 30 times.
1 yearNo clue. He used to host swingers parties around here a while back, my ex wife and I were active in the lifestyle years ago, though we never did go to any of his gatherings, was mostly older prone than us in that scene. I am guessing he probably either moved or got busted. He is a real scumbag from everything I've heard.
1 yearI would
1 yearLet us know how that works out for you bud